Weekly Roundup – 10 February 2017

Business of Fashion covers the Savigny Luxury Index (SLI) which rose for the fourth consecutive month in January, gaining almost 4%. This highlights that optimism has returned to the luxury sector, “with broker forecasts for growth being corrected upwards for the first time in years, backed by a string of strong results announcements and boosted… Read More Weekly Roundup – 10 February 2017

360 degree Communications Strategies: Chanel & Hermès

Renowned French luxury brands Chanel and Hermès are leaders in adapting to social trends and the spirit of the times. Having both been founded over a century ago, their communications strategies play a vital role in maintaining their relevance and desirability today. Fundamental differences in their brand identities have shaped these strategies. On one hand,… Read More 360 degree Communications Strategies: Chanel & Hermès

Female Empowerment in the Business of Fashion

Some believe that fashion and feminism are inherently incompatible. Wouldn’t women’s roles as consumers buying into the multibillion-dollar fashion industry be undermining feminism because it encourages them to focus on their appearances? I mean, this is reflected by the apparent sexualisation of women in fashion marketing communications, which seem to assign ideal roles, appearances and… Read More Female Empowerment in the Business of Fashion

Luxury and Sustainability: An Unlikely Couple

Considering that excess, indulgence and materialism are often associated with luxury goods, you would be forgiven for believing that sustainability could hardly be a priority in the sector. Yet, it is. Before you dismiss “sustainability” as yet another 21st Century buzzword, albeit a well-meaning one that encourages us to avoid depleting natural resources, it enables… Read More Luxury and Sustainability: An Unlikely Couple

Playing the Long Game – Culture, Heritage and Design Aesthetics

When luxury brands strengthen their global presence by enticing international customers with coveted products, sceptics may well dismiss this as a mere business development initiative. Although not untrue, brands are not simply concerned with improving their bottom lines in the short term. They also aim to establish long-term prominence and relevance amongst international clientele by celebrating worldwide heritages, design aesthetics and cultural behaviour.… Read More Playing the Long Game – Culture, Heritage and Design Aesthetics